
Today was a good day... I hit 300 workouts at curves! It's taken me a year and 4 months. Faster than most people get to 300, so I'm proud.

In other random news we made some headway on using a dremel tool on Scout's nails. She totally freaks when she even sees it but today we were able to get her to calm down and relax (with plenty of treats) and we were actually able to get it done. Horray for not sharp puppy claws!!! I wish she'd had a better day, maybe I'd have gotten the tree up.

There's plenty to do this weekend and it's getting super cold here. Something about 20* with a 15* windchill really gets to you. I wish we could ease into winter, but of course we always get the harsh transition in (usually) less than 24 hours.

Have most of my christmas shopping done and it's time to start preparing for our trip back east. I.e. cleaning out the car, finishing things up here at home and tying up loose ends with school. I'll be really happy when I'm finished with my masters. (End of next summer). I'm just so ready to teach.

Please pray for a former student of mine, Isabelle, who is waiting on a heart so that she can get back to being a kid again.

and a current band student of ours who was in a car accident and is still in serious condition at KU med. It isn't looking so good and I'm worried about her. It's def. been a trying couple of weeks.

Until next time.





Moody but Cute! ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)